This chart can be used to approximate the difference in cost, for a variety of heating fuels.
It will show you what you would have to spend for the same amount of heat, using other fuels.
The prices of the various fuels, obviously can change daily,
but they were fairly accurate around February 2, 2019.
and are presented for comparisons only. Thanks.



Fuel Type Heat Value (BTU) 1 ton coal
local cost unit calculated cost
Coal 26,000,000 1 ton $309 ton $309.00
Pellets 16,000,000/ton 1.63 $249 ton $405.87
Natural Gas 100,000/therm 260 $1.88 therm $488.80
Dry wood 20,000,000/cord 1.3 $385 cord $500.50
#2 Oil 140,000/gal 186 $2.79 gal $518.94
K1 kero 138,000/gal 189 $3.65 gal $689.85
Propane 92,000/gal 283 $3.15 gal $891.45
Electric 3413/kwh 7618 $.19 kwh $1441.24